in addition
2014-9-1 18:05
in addition
Qianri Wan, a 17-year-old girl stopped a taxi, to tell their brother: and she was a man living with gangsters, also kidnapped her to prostitute.
The good brother advised her to the police, and she was sent to the police station. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter sent her to North train station,
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, so she boarded the train to return home in Hubei.
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Alarm girls Jiaoxu Ling (a pseudonym). She told reporters that last summer she came from Hubei,
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, three days after the encounter in the street as a "kind" big brother, big brother something sweet to impress her, and soon to live with him. After living together, she found that her brother is a "mixed community", also led Xiongdihuo kidnapped her bondage.
Xu Ling said she worked in a beauty salon and a two Kara OK hall "doing business", and sometimes kidnapped brother when the "Station Street Girls", "do not do business brother would beat me." Every brother or personally or arrange for someone to watch her, then finish up the guests to the "tip" will be confiscated.
Reporters asked about their exact identity of Big Brother said Xu Ling refused to say faltered. She said, lived together for a long time,
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, she did not know the exact identity of Big Brother.
The brother took her to the police station
"Because they can not tolerate such inhuman life,
, I want to get rid of big brother, looking for a legitimate job." Xu Ling said, so she fled from her brother around, wanted to leave Chongqing.
Xu Ling, first to the station to buy a ticket, because the train yesterday afternoon to open, so she got into a taxi ready to find a place to temporarily night. She did not know where to go,
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, to see the brother who is enthusiastic, so tell their own experiences.
After listening to her experience, well-intentioned brother advised her to the police. Xu Ling listened to the advice of Columbia, let's brother took her to the police station Nanki door, and call the newspaper hotline for help.
The father said his daughter had left home a year
Yesterday morning, the reporter learned from Nanki door to the police station, the survey found that Xu Ling description logic is unclear, the fact that description is quite vague, even contradictory situation, the report's contents pending further investigation. Because she was asked to leave as soon as Chongqing, is not willing to accept the bailout, warning that night, the police arranged for her to a hotel staying, so she left the next day on their own.
Contact the reporter twists and turns Xu Jinglei Xu Ling's father. Xu told reporters, Xu Ling is his second daughter, was born in February 1992. Xu Ling despise bad childhood family environment,
, at school would like to make some dubious people. Last summer junior high school before graduation, Xu Ling ran away from home,
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, that is to go out battles, and then it rarely contacted.
Yesterday afternoon,
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, Xu Ling should request,
, reporters she was sent to Chongqing North Railway Station. Before leaving,
, the reporter let father and daughter on the phone and learned that her daughter was going back to Hubei,
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, Xu excitement sobbing on the phone.
At 8 pm,
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, Xu Ling told reporters that she had left the car back to Hubei,
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, Chongqing.
Reporter Xiaxiang Zhou Liu Rui intern
2014-9-25 00:53
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